Manuel Perez Garcia is Director of GHN and Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of History, School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Principal Investigator of GECEM Project at Pablo de Olavide University (Seville).
He was associate professor and lecturer at Renmin University and postdoctoralfellow and assistant chair on trans-national and comparative History at the Department of History, Tsinghua University (2011-2013), and he was also invited discussant at the Tsinghua-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He graduated at the Universidad de Murcia, Spain, majoring in History, then obtained his master and doctorate degree on Economic History at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). He was visiting scholar at UCBerkeley, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and the Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jose Maria Luis Mora. He has given lectures and conferences at Peking University, University of Tokyo, the Chinese University of Hong-Kong, the Mateo Ricci Institute of Macau, Université Paris-Sorbonne, University of Warwick, UNAM, Colegio de Mexico, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, among others.
His primary field of research is the history of consumption and trade relations between Europe and China during the early modern period. He also works on maritime history with a special focus on the Mediterranean and Asian trade networks, the Manila-Acapulco galleon and is currently completing a project comparing the city ports of Macau and Marseille. He is the author of the book Armas, limpieza de sangre y linaje. Reproducción social de familias poderosas de Murcia (siglos XVI-XIX), and co-editor of Familia, valores y representaciones. The most recent on changes on patterns of consumption, through economic and social transfers between Europe and East Asia, and trade networks in Mediterranean Europe is 'Vicarious Consumers': Trans-National Meetings between the West and East in the Mediterranean World (1730- 1808) (Ashgate: London, 2013) He has published several articles in outstanding international journals such as European Journal of Scientific Research, Journal of Family History or Histoire, Societe et Economie, Revista Unisinos (Brazilian Journal of the Univeridade do Valhe dos Rios), among others.
He has also obtained the following academic awards and fellowships: Foreign Ministry´s Scholarship for Visiting Professors, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, 2014; UKNA-Marie Curie Actions, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, 2013-2014; Foreign Ministry´s Scholarship for Visiting Professors, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, 2013; 52 Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant, 2012-2013; Post-Doctoral Fellowship, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, 2011-2013; Fellowship on European Mobility in Asia ('Argo Program' by the Spanish Government), 2011-2012; Full grant by the Spanish Government, Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, 2006-2010; Research grant "Salvador Madariaga Awards" by the Spanish Government, M.A.E. (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores), 2006-2010; Full grant by the European University Institute to participate in the exchange program as Visiting Scholar in the University of California at Berkeley, 2008-2009.

Manuel Pérez-García